Restoring the landscape
Before construction of Keystone began in 2009, TC Energy partnered with Dr. M. 安妮Naeth, 阿尔伯塔大学土地复垦和恢复生态学教授, 在项目走廊约12公里处建立监测方案. Dr. Naeth和她的研究生每年春天都会进行罕见的植物调查,并在10年的时间里评估土壤和植物群落,目的是了解管道对草原景观的影响.
Protecting a wonder of West Virginia
位于西弗吉尼亚州的莫农加希拉国家森林(MNF)是美国生物多样性最丰富的国家森林之一.S. ——恰好位于WB express天然气管道沿线, which was recently placed into service.
For nearly four years, TC Energy worked closely with various MNF resource specialists, including soil scientists, wildlife biologist, 水文学家, aquatic biologists and botanists during the planning, permitting and construction phases of the project.
“TransCanada团队在WB XPress项目上与威尼斯电玩城手游合作非常努力. They set a high standard, 竭尽全力确保所有森林资源得到保护. The team stayed true to their word, followed up on their commitments, and could be relied on to do what they said they were going to do. 在整个项目过程中,他们也与威尼斯电玩城手游进行了交谈,并且对他们的行为非常透明. The company should be proud of the quality of work performed by this team.”
- Clyde Thompson, Monongahela National Forest Supervisor